In Eight Steps to Happiness Geshe-la says "'Self' and 'other' are relative terms, rather like 'this mountain' and 'that mountain ... 'This' and 'that' therefore depend upon our point of reference. This is also true of self and other. By climbing down the mountain of self, it is possible to ascend the mountain of other, and thereby cherish others as much as we presently cherish ourself."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gen-la D Teaching at US Festival

When I first looked at the webpage for the US Festival, Gen-la Kunsang was going to be the main Teacher. Although I am very fond of her, I have a closer connection with Gen-la Dekyong, who was my Resident Teacher for 9 months (hmm ... what does that length of time make you think of?) and did my first Vajrayogini close retreat under her guidance.
Gen-la K is warm and friendly - she really embodies the teachings about compassion and love. One recent Summer Festival I had a volunteer job sitting at a post; she walked by after a tsog puja and asked me if she could get me anything! She was already the Deputy Spiritual Director at that point! I also saw a lot of her in the dining marquees, chatting with students. Her teachings have a very international feel, in that she make comments on the police in Mexico (you don't go to them for any kind of refuge) and explains idioms in other languages.
I'm going anyway, no matter who the Teacher is, but admit to being very happy to hear Gen-la D teach again, especially after hearing her sublime teachings in Vancouver. I hope that many others are inspired to attend.
So far, the site has only the most basic info - dates, subject and Teacher - with the promise of more details to come mid-month.

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