In Eight Steps to Happiness Geshe-la says "'Self' and 'other' are relative terms, rather like 'this mountain' and 'that mountain ... 'This' and 'that' therefore depend upon our point of reference. This is also true of self and other. By climbing down the mountain of self, it is possible to ascend the mountain of other, and thereby cherish others as much as we presently cherish ourself."

Friday, July 8, 2016

Let It Snow ....

Why is that out-of-season song in my head at the moment? I DO have a place to go - an important place - I just don't know yet where.

This former English major has also been thinking about those lines from T.S. Eliot's poem The Love Song of Alfred Proofrock, " ... and in short, I was afraid." But actually I'm not. ...
Maybe just too dumb for that : )
Something better than nothing? Or are you one of those "no news is good news" folks?

Maybe soon a more reasonable person will be posting updates here.

Mainly I wanted to thank you all for the outpouring of support and love, to which I cannot reply with what you deserve. This is the best I can do right now. Accept ... or unsubscribe : )



  1. I love your humor Mimi! We are carrying you through this transition, my friend. Actually, mostly Geshe-la is, and we're pitching in as best we can. I'm not sure if I've ever told you this, but I really look up to you as a practitioner, and person. I've alays admired your humility, compassion, intelligence, humor and devotion to the path. I was inspired 12 years ago when we first met by your volunteer work with Shanti, your openness to talk about struggles we shared, your reaching out to me and others who needed support, your generosity. You paid for my trip to Medicine Buddha empowerment and retreat, and I'll never forget your kindness. I'll miss you very much Mimi, but I know we'll all meet again. We created some extraordinary causes together as sangha in this lifetime. I'm praying for you and Richard daily. You have tremendous spiritual support right now. Love, Cindy

  2. Dearest Mimi

    I've not seen you in a while, and I guess I won't (at least in this form).

    Keep your humour, love and peace, you've been an inspiration ever since I first met you in Seattle all those years ago.

    Love Kate x (Brighton via Seattle)

    PS: Don't forget us when you reach the Land of the Snows (what, you didn't figure that's what the song in your head is all about?!) xx

    1. Hi Kate, this is Mimi's friend Rebecca replying to your comment on Mimi's behalf. Thanks for this sweet comment to her last post! I'll pass along the message.

  3. (Just saw "Tamtara" and thought "Vajrayomimi". Sorry, couldn't resist!) :-)

    Love you, Mimi. I will miss you so much but don't worry about you since you are definitely a traveler to Keajra Pure Land. You have helped so many people. You helped me pick out my first Tantric instruments and have taught me so much over the years, especially about HYT. You have been the Seattle Festival "travel agent" for as long as I can remember and have given so much encouragement to others to go whenever they can. I could go on and on about your virtuous deeds.

    Safe travels, my friend, and blessings upon blessings. Geshe-la will lead you by the hand when you're ready. Love you, Sally xoxo

  4. Dear Mimi, you are a deep inspiration. A light to dispel darkness. A bridge, a boat, you are a friend to the world. Keeping you on lotus of ❤️ as you prepare for the most important moment. That never comes, never leaves. The moment that doesn't stand still but keeps moving. May Keajra swiftly appear to your beautiful mind. Lots of love, Chokyi ��������

    1. Hi Chokyi! I'm replying to your comment on behalf of Mimi. Thanks for this sweet comment. I'll read it to her soon - she deeply appreciates the support of our amazing global Buddhist community.

  5. I have followed your journey on this blog, and will pray for you with the others when your time to go to Keijara Pure Land comes. Much Love Paglam <3 <3 <3

    1. Dear Paglam, thank you for your comment to Mimi's last post! I'll pass along your message, she deeply appreciates your prayers.

  6. Mimi, you are such an inspiration. It has been a pleasure knowing you. I have admired your faith-- I always felt it provided good protection for you and others. Sending you love and keeping you close to my heart as you make your transformation. xoxox Angie

    1. Hi Angie, this is Mimi's friend Rebecca, thanking you on her behalf for your thoughts. I admire her faith too! It's very special to be close to her at this time. I'll pass along your message.

  7. Dear precious Mimi! Holding you close in my heart right now! You are such an inspiration to me. xoxoDemo

    1. Dear precious Demo! You are also an inspiration to Mimi, she talks about you frequently. I will let her know that you are thinking of her.

  8. Accept or Unsubscribe... I love that quote. Mimi, I think of 'strength' when you come to mind amongst a lot of other qualities. 'Perseverance' is another one. But now, I'm thinking of all the amazing jewels of connection to people you have made in this life. The connections you make are truly amazing -- awe inspiring. And something I will try to follow. You are dearly loved. --David Craven

    1. Hello David! That part of her last post, Accept or unsubscribe, made me laugh too. Even now, she's so full of humor and joy! She's definitely a strong one. And I'm also inspired by her love and connection to her sangha and to the buddhas. I'll be sure to pass along your message!

  9. Hi Mimi, we all love you so much! Love Deb

    1. Hi Deb, Rebecca here responding to your comment on behalf of Mimi. Thanks for your thoughts of love and support! I'll pass them along to Mimi.
