In Eight Steps to Happiness Geshe-la says "'Self' and 'other' are relative terms, rather like 'this mountain' and 'that mountain ... 'This' and 'that' therefore depend upon our point of reference. This is also true of self and other. By climbing down the mountain of self, it is possible to ascend the mountain of other, and thereby cherish others as much as we presently cherish ourself."

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Good Results

Yesterday I got the results of my tumor-marker blood test: As with 2 of the 3 other patients in this study whose results I've heard, it dropped in half (in my case from 35.5 to 17, which is in the normal range). This treatment is working!
When you're on a clinical trial, everything is determined by the detailed protocol, which specifies a CT scan in a month. If it shows that the 4 small tumors in my abdomen are gone, and nothing new has appeared, I will officially be in remission and will no longer get the chemo drugs, but will continue with the experimental drug.
Thank you, as always, for your prayers - I know what a difference they make.