In Eight Steps to Happiness Geshe-la says "'Self' and 'other' are relative terms, rather like 'this mountain' and 'that mountain ... 'This' and 'that' therefore depend upon our point of reference. This is also true of self and other. By climbing down the mountain of self, it is possible to ascend the mountain of other, and thereby cherish others as much as we presently cherish ourself."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prayers for Sue

While you are praying, please dedicate for Sue Hulley of Saraha Center in San Francisco. Many of you know her because she has taken care of us as a gompa steward at Summer Festival. She is now on hospice but has a peaceful mind, as you might expect from her.
I am so sad at this news.
Good thing I'm on renunciation today. Not that I needed more "ammunition" - we've all got to get out of here.


  1. My prayers and love for wonderful Sue.

  2. Dear friends,

    Sue Hulley's son called a short while ago to say Sue had just died.
    I think her mind was pretty peaceful.

    May Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka take her to the pure land, right now.

